I graduated from the french engineering school CentraleSupélec with a major background in applied mathematics and algorithmic. After a year of working as a research engineer in Thales, I decided to begin a Ph.D. program in Université Paris Saclay, at the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, under the supervision of Nabila Aghanim (IAS) and Aurélien Decelle (UCM, LRI).
I am currently an AI Fellow at PSL University in the physics department and Center for Data Sciences of École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris. I am working on the interfaces between statistical physics and theoretical machine learning, but also applications ML methods to physics problems, mainly in cosmology for the study of large-scale matter distribution.
Ph.D. in Astrophysics & Cosmology, 2021
Université Paris-Saclay
Engineering school, 2017
AI for physics and physics for AI: development of AI-based tools for astrophysics and cosmology and exploration of the links between theoretical physics and AI for a better understanding of AI systems. Teaching duty under the data science program of PSL University.
Applying statistical physics models for the understanding of machine learning algorithms.
Cosmic web environments: identification, characterisation and quantification of cosmological information.
Conception and development of unsupervised algorithms to deinterleave radar pulses collected by satellites.